Sunday, April 30, 2006

Colbert at White House Correspondents Dinner: W. not Amused


When the president decides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday - no matter what happened Tuesday.


As Colbert walked from the podium, when it was over, the president and First Lady gave him quick nods, unsmiling, and left immediately.



Anonymous said...

The "jokes" sound more like a DNC meeting than a comedy tribute.

Ami Ganguli said...

So Brian is not amused either :-)?

It is a little odd that they invited him, given the nature of his talk show. Is it possible that somebody at the White House didn't realize that his talk show character is a parody?

... Ami.

Anonymous said...

I was more amused by the Bush impersonator. "Why can't I just have dinner with the 39% who like me?"

Colbert's jokes just seemed like the Democratic talking points rather than being funny. Although I'm sure Bush haters would have laughed at all of them.

Anonymous said...


Some people actually don't realize he is doing a parody (and truthfully, much of what he says is such a spot on imitation of the pundits here that I can understand how people who lack a sense of humor or irony might be confused). But, I find it hard to believe that anyone scheduling the White House dinner wouldn't know the truth. So, it was either a person so out of touch with Bush's inability to take criticism, or someone who really dislikes Bush and enjoyed the opportunity to stick it to him. It was probably the former, but with the way he is alienating most of the country right now, perhaps it was the latter.

Ami Ganguli said...

Brian: The thing is, the jokes were more-or-less what you should expect from Colbert given the content of this show.

Presumabely whoever booked the guy would have known this.

Lib: I have to admit, I probably wouldn't have found it funny if somebody had joked about all of my personal shortcomings. Jokes that hit too close to the truth aren't really amusing.

That leaves open a third possibility: whoever hired Colbert didn't realize how acurate the criticism was, and therefor thought it would go over better.

... Ami.

Anonymous said...

"whoever hired Colbert didn't realize how acurate the criticism was"

Hmmm, maybe Bush is doing the booking himself.