Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Still alive...

Just a short post to say I'm still here - thanks to Stryker for asking how things are and reminding me that I really should post something so people know I'm still alive :-).

Winter came suddenly to Helsinki last Tuesday (I think). At 17:00 there was no snow on the ground, and by 22:00 it looked like the middle of January.

I just spent the weekend in Vilnius, Lithuania at a debating tournament. My first and only new country this year. I'm really going to have to pick up the pace if I'm going to visit them all before I die. I figure I need to add 3 to 4 new countries per year if I want to be reasonably certain of seeing them all.

I've been following the U.S. elections again - somewhat obsessively. That happens when you're supposed to be studying for exams and need an excuse to procrastinate. I end up checking Electoral-vote.com, cqpolitics.com, and crosstabs.org several times a day. A pointless exercise, since the sites aren't actually updated that often. Studying makes you neurotic like that.

I'm assuming that the Dems take congress, and hopeful that this will keep Bush from trying to go out in a blaze of glory by invading more countries. Hopeful, but not confident. I don't know much about the U.S. system of government, but I gather the House doesn't have to power to stop Bush if he really wants to go kamikazi.

Now back to studying... one exam today, two more on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Ami, I think you would feel more at home at myelectionanalysis.com for your election coverage. Most of the old DTers are there, as well as a few new names who are pretty insightful. As for setting policy, you're correct that the House wouldn't be able to force Pres Bush to do anything differently, though at the extreme end they could defund the military. I also don't think you really get why Pres Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq if you think he's itching to do it again to try and score political points.

Ami Ganguli said...

Thanks Richard - I'll check it out.

The issue of motivation is a tough one. There was in fact no rational reason to invade Iraq (Afghanistan is a different thing entirely). So I can only imagine irrational reasons - none of which are terribly flattering to Bush. Those same delusions could easily lead him to invade (for example) Iran.

Anonymous said...

Good to see a fresh post from you, Ami. I haven't stopped by for a while but now that the election's over I'm starting to check some of the less election-oriented sites again.

How many countries have you visited so far?

Good luck with the exams.

Ami Ganguli said...

Hi Indy,

So far so good with the exams. A few more next week, then I have a bit of a break.

So far I've visited 21 countries, but one of them (East Germany) disappeared. The vast majority have been after I left Canada in 2000. Finland is a little isolated compared to the rest of Europe, but still a much better launch point than Canada if you want to travel.

... Ami.

Anonymous said...

"There was in fact no rational reason to invade Iraq (Afghanistan is a different thing entirely)."

Sure there was, and it's one not talked about. For it to mean anything, however, it requires belief in a few things first:

1) Radical elements of Islam are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism around the globe (and specifically 9/11).
2) These radical elements have based much of their operations/fundraising in the ME.
3) The reason the elements can base in the ME is because of repressive govts that have kept their populous' ignorant to make them easier to control.
4) The only way to stop the radical elements is to remove the environment that has allowed them to flourish.

I think 1-3 are pretty undeniable, though 4 may be debatable. I'd be more than willing to debate that point. I could go down a list of reasons I think Iraq was the best choice for where to attempt to form a beacon for the rest of the ME to throw off the repressive regimes that have repressed them for so long (Iran was my #2 spot), but it would be meaningless if you didn't accept the points above.

Anonymous said...

A belated Happy New Year to you, Ami. I hope exams went well and that you're enjoying your between semester break. And I look forward to what you've got to post in 2007.