Monday, September 03, 2007

The New Republic: Flight of the Wingnuts

The New Republic features a fascinating article on the the takeover of the U.S. right by supply-siders. I'd often wondered how these nuts became "mainstream" (in political circles at least). Now I know.

American politics has been hijacked by a tiny coterie of right-wing economic extremists, some of them ideological zealots, others merely greedy, a few of them possibly insane. [...] The result has been a slow- motion disaster. Income inequality has approached levels normally associated with Third World oligarchies, not healthy Western democracies.


It was not always this way. A generation ago, Republican economics was relentlessly sober. [...] Over the last three decades, however, such Republicans have passed almost completely from the scene, at least in Washington, to be replaced by, essentially, a cult.

Read the whole thing... lots of interesting background.