Pentagon report warns of risk in China's military buildup:
China's years of double-digit growth in arms spending and new missiles, ships, and aircraft mean it could project power farther afield, the 2006 China Military Power Report said.
"The pace and scope of China's military build up already place regional military balances at risk," the report said.
China angrily rejects U.S. claims about military buildup:
China angrily rejected a U.S. Defence Department report Thursday that states Beijing is a potential military threat, insisting its multibillion-dollar buildup is defensive.
Beijing is "strongly resentful of and firmly opposed to" the comments in an annual Pentagon report on Chinese military power, Chinese media quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao saying.
Fred Kaplan tells us why the Pentagon keeps overestimating Beijing's military strength:
Every day and night, hundreds of Air Force generals and Navy admirals must thank their lucky stars for China. Without the specter of a rising Chinese military, there would be no rationale for such a large fleet of American nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, or for a new generation of stealth combat fighters—no rationale for about a quarter of the Pentagon's budget.